Karabakh separatists getting rid of archives

Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza

Cases of arson, along with destroying documents, various evidence, archives in various administrative buildings have been observed in Khankendi, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan said.

Observations are being carried out with full control in the Karabakh Economic Region after the successful completion of anti-terrorist measures carried out in the region, Trend reports.

Anti-terrorist operation in Karabakh

The local anti-terrorist activities of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan were launched to restore the constitutional order in the entire territory of the Karabakh Economic Region. The civilian population and civilian infrastructure were not targets, only legitimate military targets of the Armenian Armed Forces were taken out of action.
The anti-terrorist operation made it possible to ensure the rovisions of the Trilateral Statement signed on 9-10 November 2020, supress military provocations, sabotage and terrorist attacks in the Karabakh Economic Region, secure the withdrawal of formations of Armenia’s armed forces from Azerbaijan, and thereby provide the safety of the civilian population and restoration work in the region.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza