Over 60 agreements to be signed at COP29

Over 60 agreements to be signed at COP29

Over 60 documents are expected to be adopted during the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), Lead Negotiator of the event and Azerbaijan's Deputy Foreign Minister Yalchin Rafiyev said during the "29 Climate Conversations: Road to COP29" media workshop in Baku.

The lead negotiator brought out the fact that in Azerbaijan's Shamakhi, delegates from several nations recently met informally to talk about important topics for the COP29 agenda. Such meetings will continue leading up to the conference.

"In total, more than 60 documents on energy, agriculture, technology, and other topics are expected to be adopted during COP29, which will take place from November 11 to 22. This conference is set to be the COP with the highest number of adopted documents in the past five years," Rafiyev said.

Drawing attention to the magnitude of COP29, Rafiyev unveiled the session's comprehensive agenda.

"The opening ceremony will take place in Baku on November 11, followed by a summit of government representatives on November 12–13. From November 14 to 22, we will host thematic days covering various topics such as agriculture, food, and other key areas. These days will feature both formal and informal platforms. We are encouraged by the constructive approach of the participating states," Rafiyev said.

The New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance (NCQG), which Rafiyev characterized as a critical test for numerous states in preserving the relevance of the Paris Agreement, is one of the important papers set to be endorsed at COP29.
