New Lebanon war's goal to be creating buffer zone

Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza

Israel is preparing for a ground offensive aimed at creating a buffer zone just north of its border, as tensions with Hezbollah escalate, The Economist reported citing Israeli military sources.

The Israel Defense Forces have redeployed a second division from Gaza to the northern front in anticipation of the potential operation.

Military sources say that Israel is also planning a ground offensive in Lebanon that would include the capture of a buffer zone consisting of a few miles of territory north of the border, according to The Economist.

“The plans for a ground invasion are ready. But we’re still a way off from having the sufficient forces here to carry them out," an officer involved in the preparations said.

The timing of Israel's latest military steps reveals divisions within its upper military and political ranks. Some officials advocate for a quicker escalation, arguing that Israel should capitalise on the current disarray within Hezbollah to degrade a larger portion of its military capabilities and secure territory.

Conversely, more cautious generals, including Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, prefer the ongoing, measured approach, hoping it will encourage Hezbollah to reconsider its stance and withdraw.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza