Azerbaijan improves its structures of governance

Azerbaijan improves its structures of governance

The draft amendments to the Constitution proposed by President Ilham Aliyev yesterday to be submitted to a referendum, the political scientists Fikret Sadikhov and Arzu Nagiyev explain as an improvement of the governance system in Azerbaijan.

Recall that the document proposes to introduce the post of first vice-president and vice-president, who will be appointed directly by the president, to lower the age limit for presidential candidates up to 30 years, and to extend the presidential term from five to seven years. Also the question of lowering the age limit for candidates for deputies of the Milli Majlis (Parliament) of Azerbaijan from 25 years to 18 years will be submitted to the referendum.

As pointed out by the first Professor of the Western University, Fikret Sadikhov, it is one of the stages of reforming of the state's political system. "Everything evolves. The external priorities are changing, the vision of how to strengthen the government institutions is changing. We are now in quite a difficult geopolitical situation, which requires certain changes in the work of the state. The president’s offers, by the way, are based on the Constitution, because the head of state has the right for a constitutional initiative,’’ he said.

"Of course, this does not mean that all the deputies in Azerbaijan will be 18-year-old boys and girls. The idea is to simplify the system and remove restrictions to allow people, who actively manifest themselves at this age in the public and political life, be legally elected to the parliament and to participate in the public system, in the implementation of legislation, the adoption of laws and documents,’’  Fikret Sadikhov concluded.

The deputy director general of MIA ‘Trend’, the political commentator Arzu Nagiyev agreed that Azerbaijan by this uses the world of government experience. "Now the Institute of vice-presidency and the first vice-presidency is adopted all around the world. It is an important point to control the state, perhaps, the position of prime minister will go by the wayside, and the vice-presidents will be occupied by a rapid response to the emerging situations, this is normal governance, " he said.

He also praised the initiative to reduce the age limit for the candidates. "If a person, left school, he is already independent, can regulate and control himself, why not? After all, an 18-year-old deputy knows better youth policy then a 70-year-old deputy. So I think, in the sphere of the youth policy and other things it is even necessary to the Milli Mejlis to work with people of 18 years,’’ Arzu Nagiyev summed up.
