Azerbaijan prevents contraband of narcotic drugs from Iran

Azerbaijan prevents contraband of narcotic drugs from Iran

The ‘Gektepe’ frontier detachment of the State Border Guard Service (SBS) and officers of the Azerbaijani Coast Guard units prevented the contraband of more than 102 kilograms of narcotic drugs, psychotropic and potent drugs from Iran to Azerbaijan, according to the SBS.

According to the SBS, on the territory near the state border, in the direction of the village of Bilasuvar of the region of the same name, more than 19 kilograms of narcotic drugs, psychotropic and potent drugs were found and seized on October 11.

On the same day, at about 20:40 (GMT+4), the border patrol revealed a violation of the state border in the direction from Iran to Azerbaijan by three unknown persons in the service area of ​​the frontier post. One man with a sports bag in his hands was detained, two, having thrown packages with contraband, fled in the opposite direction.

The detainee is an Iranian citizen Shahmugaddam Jafar Hasan (1988). During the examination of his bag and the packages seized on the territory, more than 35 kilograms of narcotic drugs, psychotropic and potent drugs were found.

On October 12, at about 07:45 am (GMT+4), a patrol ship of the State Border Service of Azerbaijan found a suspicious package in the sea, upon examination of which more than 47 kilograms of narcotic drugs, psychotropic and potent drugs were found and seized.

The SBS reports that operational and investigative measures are being taken in connection with these facts.
