Deputy Prime Ministers of Armenia, Azerbaijan met at border

Deputy Prime Ministers of Armenia, Azerbaijan met at border

© Photo: Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza

Today, the 4th meeting of the commissions of the two countries on the issues of delimitation of the state border between the two countries was held on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border.

Today, the vice-premiers of Azerbaijan and Armenia, Shahin Mustafayev and Mher Grigoryan, who head the commissions of the two countries on the establishment (delimitation) of the state border, held a joint meeting on the border area.

The meeting was the 4th in a row. The parties discussed both the issues of the actual delimitation of the border and border security.

The commissions also discussed several organizational and procedural issues that followed from the agreements of the parties reached earlier, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry informs.
