ECHR: Armenia must pay for damage to Azerbaijani IDPs

 ECHR: Armenia must pay for damage to Azerbaijani IDPs

Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights has made a new decision on 'Chiragov and Others v. Armenia' case, according to which, Armenia's government has to pay 5000 euros to each of the six plaintiffs for the material and moral damage inflicted, as well as 28,642 pounds sterling for total costs.

The plaintiffs in the case are six Azerbaijani internally displaced persons – Elkhan and Adishirin Chiragovs, Ramiz Jabrayilov, Akif Hasanov, Fakhraddin Pashayev and Gara Jabrayilov.

On June 16, 2015 the ECHR ruled on “Chiragov and Others v. Armenia” case and found violations of property rights, the right to respect for private and family life and the right to an effective remedy of the plaintiffs.