EU hands Georgia demarche over restoration of flights with Russia

Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza

The European Union Ambassador Pawel Herczynski said that Georgia's restoration of direct flights with Russia was “not a positive thing” from the bloc’s point of view.

The envoy said he was assigned to convey the EU position agreed by the capitals of the 27 member states in Brussels to the Georgian authorities.

He told reporters the position conveyed to the Georgian Government was that the EU “regrets” the Government’s decision to agree to direct flights with Russia. 

"We conveyed that this decision contradicts the unanimous decision of all 27 EU member states not to have direct flights to and from Russia, and not to allow Russian aircraft to fly over the territory of EU member states," Pawel Herczynski said.

Herczynski added he was “not aware” of any ongoing discussions in the European Union regarding the imposition of sanctions on the Georgian Government for the reopening of the flights.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza