First gas introduced into Greek section of TAP

First gas introduced into Greek section of TAP

The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) AG started to introduce the first natural gas into a 2 km section of the pipeline in Greece between the Evros river and the Kipoi compressor station, according to the TAP AG consortium.

"This is the initial stage of the pipeline commissioning process, which aims to ensure that the infrastructure is entirely safe and ready for operations after the completion of the process, in line with national and international safety and operational standards," the message reads.

Operations Director for TAP Ricardo Ruiz Nuñez stressed that safety is the company's number one priority and they have prepared thoroughly for this important step. According to him, the introduction of natural gas into the system is in line with commitment to safety, environment and quality standards. 

Nuñez added that the company implemented a Start Up Readiness Assurance Programme which verified that all aspects of construction, commissioning, start-up and business requirements were in place prior to the introduction of natural gas. 

TAP project, worth 4.5 billion euros, will offer a direct and cost-effective transportation route opening up the Southern Gas Corridor.
