Forecaster named the time of the real winter's arrival in Moscow

Forecaster named the time of the real winter's arrival in Moscow

The first winter weather will come to Moscow and the Moscow region on Wednesday, said Yevgeny Tishkovets, the leading employee of the Phobos weather center.

According to him, a meteorological winter is approaching Central Russia: next week "late autumn" will be replaced by "pre-winter". "For the first time this season, the average daily air temperature will be below zero, the earth will be covered with a symbolic unstable snow cover, freezing rain will be frozen over, and the roads will be covered with a crust of ice," the TASS forecaster quotes.

Tishkovets explained that the corresponding changes will begin the day after tomorrow: on this day, by 06:00, the rain will turn into snow, which will create a temporary cover of 1 cm. gusts up to 12-17 m/s at real zero will give a sensation for minus 5-7 degrees in December.

On Wednesday, the first "noticeable frosts" will come to Moscow, Tishkovets noted: it will get colder at night to minus 2-7 degrees, during the day the air will not warm to above zero, as a result, the average daily temperature will be negative for the first time in autumn. This, the forecaster pointed out, is the first sign of a meteorological winter.

On Thursday, November 11, in the afternoon, the thermometer will reach a mark from 2 degrees below zero to 3 degrees Celsius, in the morning it can start freezing rain. It will mostly rain on the next two days, and wet snowfalls are predicted on Sunday in a week. The next day, real snowfalls will begin.

"It will get colder to zero - minus 5 degrees, a snow cover up to several centimeters thick will form (in Moscow about 2-3 cm, in some places in the Moscow region up to 3-8 cm). On November 15, a meteorological winter will come," the meteorologist summed up.