Israel predicts date of Iran's next attack


The Jerusalem Post, citing sources, predicted the date of Iran's next attack against Israel.

According to the Israeli newspaper, Iran plans to attack Israel on Tisha B’Av - a day of mourning, which begins on August 12 and ends on August 13. On Tisha B’Av, Jews lament the destruction of the first and second Temples. During the annual event, there is fasting, mourning and a practice of self-denial. 

The report indicates that there is an emotional and psychological impact in targeting Israel on the holy day of mourning.

The newspaper beleives, enemy states and entities have focused their attacks on Jewish holidays in the past, as was the case on October 7, which fell on Simchat Torah and Shabbat, and the Yom Kippur War in 1973.

There is also reportedly a symbolic reason for attacking this date, reviving historical traumas and replaying the images of destruction. Moreover, attacking on this day would bring an element of surprise. While security may be occupied with their own religious rituals or settling disagreements, they may be unprepared for a military attack. 

Iran’s attack will reportedly be coordinated with Hezbollah.

At the same time Axios reported that U.S. and Israeli officials expect Iran and its proxies could attack Israel as early as August 5.

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