Kazakh authorities intend to expand borders of Atyrau region

official website of the government of Kazakhstan

The Atyrau region of Kazakhstan may grow by almost four million hectares of land soon. The country's government has prepared a corresponding decree "On changing the boundaries of the Atyrau region".

"To change the boundaries of the Atyrau region by including in the territory of the Atyrau region the lands between the border of the Atyrau region and the outer limit of the (sea) territorial waters of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Caspian Sea with a total area of ​​3,954,015.3 hectares",

the draft resolution says.

The new geography of the region will not require any investments from the state budget or legal consequences, and such an innovation will result in continuous advantages for the region's residents, AiF-Kazakhstan notes.

The result of the public discussion of the draft document will be known after July 15, and then the final decision will be made.

© Photo :official website of the government of Kazakhstan