Leaders of Central Asian countries congratulate Ilham Aliyev

Maria Novoselova/"Vestnik Kavkaza"

The Presidents of the Central Asian country congratulated the leader of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on his birthday, letters were published on the President's website.

Tajik leader Emomali Rahmon noted in his congratulations that under the leadership of Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan is confidently moving forward along the path of social and economic development, playing a significant role in regional and international affairs.

He also expressed confidence that Azerbaijan will achieve new heights in building a powerful and prosperous state. In addition to this, Rahmon congratulated Aliyev and all residents of Azerbaijan on the upcoming New Year.

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov emphasized that Ilham Aliyev's strategic vision and fruitful reforms have strengthened the authority and stability of Azerbaijan on the world stage.

Congratulating the Azerbaijani President, the Head of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev called Ilham Aliyev an outstanding statesman and political figure of modern times and a wise leader of Azerbaijan. He added that thanks to the strong will of the Azerbaijani leader, the restoration of the territorial integrity of the country and the establishment of historical justice had become a reality.

Mirziyoyev expressed confidence that joint efforts would help Baku and Tashkent effectively develop a strategic partnership for the benefit of the peoples of the two countries.

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov said in his address that today Azerbaijan is confidently moving along the path of comprehensive development and strengthening its authority in international affairs.

He also looks forward to deepening and developing relations between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, which will benefit the peoples of the two countries.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova/"Vestnik Kavkaza"