Lola Musaeva on Vesti.FM: Lezgins preserved original customs and traditions of their ancestors

Lola Musaeva on Vesti.FM: Lezgins preserved original customs and traditions of their ancestors

Descendants of Lezgins preserved the original customs and traditions of their ancestors, Lola Musaeva, an expert of Vestnik Kavkaza, told Vesti.FM today during the live broadcast of Peoples of Russia program.

Peoples of Russia is a weekly program of Vesti.FM, during which Gia Saralidze, Marat Safarov and their guests talk about various aspects of life of different peoples, inhabiting our country. Today's program was dedicated to peoples of Dagestan.

Wedding ceremonies are among the most interesting customs, Lola Musaeva said. "Marriages can be arranged at a very young age, sometimes even before children are born. It's considered the highest manifestation of friendship and mutual respect between families," she said.

Weddings always last for three days. "The celebration begins with reception of three musicians in the groom's house. They receive three gifts: three handkerchiefs, three pairs of socks, three pieces of bread. The second day is the day of gifts and signing of wedding contract," she noted.
