Marina Lagutina on Vesti.FM: the popularity of the right-conservative rhetoric in Europe is linked to the EU crisis

Marina Lagutina on Vesti.FM: the popularity of the right-conservative rhetoric in Europe is linked to the EU crisis

The right-conservative rhetoric is gaining popularity in Europe due to the numerous contradictions that have accumulated in the European Union, an analyst of the news agency Vestnik Kavkaza said today in the National Question program on Vesti FM.

‘’When the European Union was created, it was based on the idea of integration in everything - together it would be easier to cope with the economic difficulties, the united opinion of several countries has a greater political weight; tolerance, social justice allow people from different countries to live in peace and feel themselves a part of a single unity,’’ the analyst reminded.

According to her, now, after 25 years in the European Union, the opposite ideas are becoming more and more popular.

"It's no secret that the population of Europe is aging inevitably. For the first time since the Second World War, the death rate on the continent exceeds the birth rate." The native European population is decreasing, but the total number of the EU residents is growing steadily - at the expense of immigrants.’’The liberal migration policy attracted a large number of people to the European Union, especially from the Muslim countries. And after the Arab Spring, the civil wars in North Africa, the Middle East, the conflict in Syria, the flow of migrants to Europe has increased even more. This state of affairs gave rise not only to the discontent, but even fear among the local population. "As we know, a sweeping wave of the terrorist attacks took place in Europe, many accused the immigration crisis in this.” The European Union introduced quotas for each country for the reception of refugees. But many tried to do as much as possible to reduce the number of migrants on their territory, " Marina Lagutina said.

She noted that, against this background, the euroskepticism has spread widely, the essence of which is a desire for the reforms and changes in the European Union. "The economic crisis has shown that the overall economy for three dozen countries has not turned out to be as effective as they would like it to be. Some countries such as developed economies, Germany, for example, have become donors, and poor countries accumulate debts - recall the monstrous debt of Greece. The unemployment rate is growing in Europe, the UK is launching a process of withdrawal from the EU, and there are separate regions that declare their intention to secede like Catalonia, so some people have a desire to protect and retain their own prosperity and way of life, while others try get out of the impasse of unemployment and poverty, " the analyst said.

"Trying to solve their problems, people, first of all, have to answer the question ‘Who is to blame?’’ And the simplest answer is always -  strangers. "In the wake of such economic and migration crises, the right-conservative ideology, unconditional, receives a grateful audience. Of course, we can say that this trend is contrary to the political and social values of the European Union, but at the same time in Europe we are constantly confronted with such contradictions: for example, the UK withdraws from the EU, but calls on other countries to solidarity in the political issues, or Brussels supports the United States, and Washington introduces the economic restrictive measures against the EU, etc. And so, the ideas of globalization and integration are now going through a crisis, people are trying to find a way out and turn to the opposite opinion - you can say, this is the version of the modern nationalism, "Marina Lagutina concluded.


