Mehriban Aliyeva: Olympic movement among Azerbaijani schoolchildren acquiring broader proportions with every year

Mehriban Aliyeva: Olympic movement among Azerbaijani schoolchildren acquiring broader proportions with every year

The Olympic movement among schoolchildren in Azerbaijan, which is taking important steps towards building information society, is acquiring broader proportions with every year, First Vice-President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva said in a statement to the participants of the 31st International Olympiad in Informatics being held in Baku.

"I sincerely greet you, the participants of the 31st International Olympiad in Informatics who have come to Baku from different parts of the world, and wish you all every success. I do hope that the Olympiad will contribute to the identification of new talents in the field of informatics, further strengthen the interest of young people in computer science and expand the ranks of participating countries," Mehriban Aliyeva said.

"In the current period of the formation of a knowledge-based society, when digital skills are extremely necessary, information and communication technologies have become one of the important indicators of scientific potential. Informatics is of great importance in economics, science and society. And the creation of a worldwide information network has significantly increased the role of computer knowledge," the  First Vice-President of Azerbaijan recalled.

"From this point of view, the International Olympiad in Informatics opens up new horizons for you. This competition of knowledge, which occupies a special place among the most prestigious contests, will certainly have a serious impact on the realization of your desires and determination of your life path," she stressed.

"The fact that this Olympiad is being held in Azerbaijan is no coincidence. The Olympic movement among schoolchildren in our country, which is taking important steps towards building information society, is acquiring broader proportions with every year. Our schoolchildren, having achieved sustainable development of their success at international Olympiads, have won a total of 160 medals in recent years," Mehriban Aliyeva noted.

"During the Olympiad, you will also have the opportunity to get acquainted more closely with the past, present and rich cultural and historical values of Azerbaijan, and make new friends. I am sure that many of you will remember the Olympiad as a pleasant experience. I have no doubt that you will justify the hopes placed on you in your future activities," the statement of the First Vice-President of Azerbaijan reads.

The 31st International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is being held in Baku on August 4-11. The event is held with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, ADA University, Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other government agencies. Teams from more than 80 countries are taking part in the IOI 2019.