Members of UN Security Council intend to conclude agreement with Iran

Members of UN Security Council intend to conclude agreement with Iran


The diplomats of Russia, Britain, China, France and the United States have reaffirmed their determination to conclude a comprehensive agreement with Iran on its nuclear program during a meeting of the UN Security Council.

They stressed the importance of a transaction which will provide for the development of Iran's right to peaceful nuclear energy and lead to the lifting of the sanctions imposed on it. 

"A comprehensive deal with Iran is in all our interests. For the international community it would provide reassurance that Iran’s nuclear program is exclusively for peaceful purposes. For Iran, it would mean, ultimately, the lifting of all sanctions imposed as a result of Iran’s nuclear program," TASS cited Ambassador Matthew Rycroft of the UK Mission to the UN at the Security Council as saying.

According to him, this would have a "huge impact on Iran’s economy" and will present "a real opportunity to reset relationships with the international community." The diplomat laid the main responsibility for the conclusion of this agreement on the authorities of the Islamic Republic. "If they fail to seize this opportunity, Iran faces further years in isolation, to the detriment of its people, its economy and its standing in the region. We hope this will not be the case," he said.

The Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, Vladimir Safronkov, in his turn, stressed that the Russian Federation would continue to do everything to resolve the matter once and for all and lift the sanctions on Iran.

US Deputy Representative to the UN, Michelle Sison, wished good luck to the negotiators, but stressed that "until there is a deal the Security Council must continue to stand behind its previous resolutions on the Iranian nuclear issue." "The sanctions that this Council has imposed remain in force," she pointed out. The diplomat stressed that if a deal is reached, then "the Security Council would be asked to adopt a new resolution to endorse it." According to Sison, that resolution would also terminate the provisions of previous sanctions resolutions upon verification, as well as establish ongoing restrictions.