Nice attack: Hero stopped killer's rampage by leaping into lorry and wrestling with him

Nice attack: Hero stopped killer's rampage by leaping into lorry and wrestling with him

A man slowed the murderous rampage of a man driving a truck through a crowd in Nice by jumping into the cab and seizing his revolver, reports.

The attacker, 31-year-old Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, was slowed when a heroic member of the public leapt onto the vehicle and wrestled the driver.

Police sources in Nice confirmed that the murderous two kilometre charge of the lorry might have been even longer if it had not been for the courage of a member of the public.

Eyewitness Eric Ciotti told Europe 1 said that as people tried to flee from the truck, someone jumped in and was able to help the police kill the man.

"A person jumped on to the truck to try to stop it," he told the radio station.