Passenger plane crashes in Russia's Siberia

Passenger plane crashes in Russia's Siberia

An Angara airline An-24 plane made an emergency landing this morning in the city of Nizhneangarsk in Russia's Buryatia after one of its engines failed. 

The crew of the An-24 jet was reporting a failure of the control systems, the landing was conducted with one engine running.

The Russian Emergencies Ministry said that the plane steered from the runway when landing in Nizhneangarsk. "When braking, the plane turned around and crashed into a sewage treatment plant. The plane caught fire in the crash," TASS cited the ministry as saying.

The emergency resulted in the crew captain and a firefighter’s deaths.

Thirty-three people have sought medical help following an accident, four of them have been hospitalized, they are in the moderate severity state, acting head of Nizhneangarsk’s central district hospital Galina Meshkova said.

Two teenagers aged 13 and 17, one man born in 1970 and a 60-year old woman were hospitalized. Meshkova added that the first officer and the flight attendant escaped through the plane windows. An operator was inside the disposal facility building, which the plane drove into. He managed to escape and started helping those who had been injured.

The fire has been localized. A criminal case has been launched under Clause 3 of Article 263 of the Russian Criminal Code (violation of safety rules of movement and use of railway and air transport).
