Russia blocks U.S. bid to expand sanctions against North Korea

Russia blocks U.S. bid to expand sanctions against North Korea

Russia has blocked Washington’s bid to expand sanctions against North Korea at a UN Security Council committee, because the US stance is entirely unconvincing, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Washington’s plans to broaden sanctions against Pyongyang cause utter rejection and run counter to the logic of detente, the ministry said.

It is obvious that Washington is seeking to "keep maximum pressure" on Pyongyang as long as possible actually until the "completion of the denuclearization process," the statement says.

"Such a destructive course for settling the problems of the Korean peninsula causes utter rejection," TASS cited the statement as saying.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, "the body of evidence presented by the Americans to substantiate their proposal is entirely unconvincing."

"Rejection is also caused by the ‘pushing’ methods of work that have already become a norm in the UN Security Council and its auxiliary bodies for the US delegation, which is trying to push through its suitable decisions in the regime of the artificial time crunch without due regard to the opinion of other members," the comment says.
