Russia marks Soviet Press Day

Russia marks Soviet Press Day

May 5 marks the Day of the Soviet Press. The first issue of the Pravda newspaper was published 109 years ago on this day.

The editorial board of Pravda consisted of Bolsheviks, it was the official newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

The paper’s objective was to ‘illuminate the path of the Russian workers movement with the international socialist and democracy light, spread the truth among workers about friends and enemies of the working class, watch over the interests of the workers policy…’.

In 1922 to mark the occasion of the first ‘Pravda’ issue the 10th congress of RKP adopted the Decree on celebration of the Press Day on May 5.

In 1991, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR No. 3043-1 of December 28 "On the Day of the Russian Press", the date of celebration of the Day of the Russian Press was January 13. On this day in 1703, the first issue of the printed newspaper was published in Russia by decree of Emperor Peter I. The publication had a rather long title - "Vedomosti about military and other matters worthy of knowledge and memory that happened in the Moscow State and in other neighboring countries."

Day of Russian press (January 13) established by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation of December 28, 1991, N 3043-1 and connected to the historical date — the beginning of the first Russian edition of the printed newspaper "sheet  founded by decree of Peter the Great.

Despite the fact that the Day of the Russian Press has been celebrated on January 13 for almost 30 years, the older generation of journalists celebrates the Day of the Press in May, on the day the first issue of the Pravda newspaper was published in 1912.
