Russian meteorologists to use new weather assessment standards since summer

Russian meteorologists to use new weather assessment standards since summer

Russian meteorologists will switch to new climatic standards in weather assessments in late June - early July, research director of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center Roman Vilfand said.

New norms are anticipated to change abnormality criteria. The ‘normal weather’ notion will be updated through new data.

"The transition to new standards will be at the turn of the first half of the year. Proactive research and methodological efforts are underway, with active discussions. The extent of changes can be discussed later but the unconditional fact is that the climate is becoming warmer. The temperature is changing to one side only," TASS cited him as saying.

Specialists of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center are proactively studying the problem of average daily characteristics’ evolution at present because data for 30 years are not sufficient for the retrospective analysis, Vilfand noted. Data for the approximately 100-year period should be analyzed. "Everything will be calculated, that’s for sure," the expert added.

The World Meteorological Organization identified baseline 30-year periods for calculation of climatic norms. Values for the period from 1961 to 1990 are used at present. New climatic norms will cover the period from 1991 to 2020.
