Small hydro Malybey staked in Lachin

Small hydro Malybey staked in Lachin

The laying of the Malybey small hydro foundation took place today in Eastern Zangezur on the Zabukh River, in Lachin. When the plant is put into operation, it will supply with power about 7,000 households. Thus, Karabakh is turning into a green energy zone.

The foundation of the Malybey small hydro was laid today in Lachin on the Zabukh River.

The event took place within the framework of the project to create five small hydro in the Kelbajar and Lachin districts, which is being implemented jointly by Azerbaijan and Türkiye

The ceremony was attended by Deputy Minister of Economy Anar Akhundov, Special Presidential Representative in Lachin district Masim Mamedov, Executive Director of the Azerbaijan Investment Company Ulvi Mansurov, Chairman of the Board of Demirören Yatırım Holding A.Ş. Yildirim Demiroren, head of the Arges Enerji Team Mehmet Fehmi Ozata, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan.

During the event, it was noted that under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the liberated territories are being transformed into zones of alternative and green energy, and a modern power supply system is being created. Hydroelectric power stations play a major role in this process, as the rivers in the liberated lands have high hydroelectric potential. Cooperation with private investors is also of great importance.