Survivors of helicopter crash in Azerbaijan talk about incident

Survivors of helicopter crash in Azerbaijan talk about incident

Lieutenant Colonel Emil Jafarov and Captain Ramin Adilov, who survived the crash of a military helicopter of the State Border Service of Azerbaijan, spoke about the incident in an interview with Real TV channel.

According to Jafarov, training flights with practical firing were scheduled for November 30.

"We were to took off from the Sangachal airfield in the direction of the Garaheybat airfield, and we did. The crash happened during the landing. I was in the helicopter's cabin, so I don't remember how it happened clearly," he said. "There were no malfunctions or suspicions that something may malfunction. The helicopter is designed for 24 paratroopers, so we didn't overload the aircraft."

The lieutenant colonel added that during the crash he suffered a fracture of his left arm.

Captain Adilov, in turn, said that during landing, control of the helicopter was lost.

Оn November 30, at about 10:40 am (GMT+4), a military helicopter of the State Border Service of Azerbaijan crashed, resulting in 14 deaths and two injuries.
