Trump-Kim Singapore summit venue set

Trump-Kim Singapore summit venue set

The summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will be on Singapore's southern island of Sentosa, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said in a Twitter post, adding that the venue would be the Capella Hotel on the island and thanked Singaporeans for their hospitality. 

The summit is scheduled to start on the morning of June 12 (9:00 local time).

Trump said on Friday the summit he had canceled the previous week was back on after he received the North Korean delegation bearing a letter from Kim, the Telegraph reported.

On Monday, Singapore declared a central region that is home to its foreign ministry, the US embassy and several hotels, as a special zone from June 10 to 14. In its online gazette, the government amended the area to include Sentosa and an area of the sea stretching more than 1 km off its southwestern shore.