U.S. Senate approves new ambassador to Georgia

U.S. Senate approves new ambassador to Georgia

The U.S. Senate has approved Kelly Degnan as the new ambassador to Georgia.

U.S. President Donald Trump presented Californian Degnan for the role in September 2019. 

The post has been vacant since March 2018. Previous Ambassador Ian Kelly announced his retirement once his mission in Georgia concluded at the end of March 2018, Agenda.ge recalls.

Before the nomination to the post Kelly Degnan served as the political advisor to the Commander of U.S. Naval Forces Europe – U.S. Naval Forces Africa. Previously, she was deputy chief of mission of the U.S. mission to Italy, deputy executive secretary of the Department of State, and Deputy Chief of mission of the U.S. Embassy in Kosovo.

Degnan has also served as political counselor at the U.S. mission to the NATO in Brussels, Belgium, senior civilian representative to Brigade Combat Team Salerno in Afghanistan, and deputy political counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Turkey. She speaks Italian, French, Turkish and Urdu.
