Zelensky warns of imminent coup attempt in Ukraine

Zelensky warns of imminent coup attempt in Ukraine

A plot to topple the Ukrainian government within days has been exposed, the country’s president, Vladimir Zelensky, has claimed, pointing the finger at a high-profile oligarch as one of the backers of the coup.

Zelensky, speaking at a “press marathon” for local and international media, said that audio recordings, obtained by Ukraine’s security services, caught plotters discussing their plans and mentioning Akhmetov’s name. Akhmetov was not involved in the actual coup plot, however, Zelensky said.

“I believe [Akhmetov] is being dragged into the war against Ukraine,” Zelensky said. “This will be a big mistake, because you cannot fight against your people.”

Zelensky said that the alleged coup was being planned for Dec. 1 or 2. He did not provide further details, however, The Washington Post reported.
