“Images of Holy Sites. Mecca and Medina in Masterpieces of Islamic Art” in the Museum of Oriental Arts (photo report)

By Vestnik Kavkaza
“Images of Holy Sites. Mecca and Medina in Masterpieces of Islamic Art” in the Museum of Oriental Arts (photo report)

The exhibition “Images of Holy Sites. Mecca and Medina in Masterpieces of Islamic Art” opened in the State Museum of Oriental Arts on September 10th.

It presents previously unknown miniatures of Islamic manuscripts of XVIII-XIX centuries from Moscow, Kazan, Novosibirsk, and Yalta collections, as well as Tatar, Indian, and Pakistani shama’ils depicting Mecca and Medina from the Museum of Oriental Arts collection, Kazan collections, and Mardjani Foundation collection. There are about 40 pieces.

The exhibition is on till October 17th.
