Mineralnyie Vody

Russian airline to launch Mineralnye Vody-Astana direct flight

Russian airline to launch Mineralnye Vody-Astana direct flight

It will be possible to fly directly from Mineralnye Vody to Astana and back on a Red Wings carrier plane soon. A flight on this route will be launched for the first time. Until now, no airline has flown from Mineralnye Vody to the capital of Kazakhstan.

Deputy Minister Kucherenko died on plane from Cuba

Deputy Minister Kucherenko died on plane from Cuba

The working trip to Cuba was the last in the life of the 46-year-old Deputy Head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Kucherenko became ill on the plane on the way home. The doctors were unable to save the patient.

Dagestan may become tourist mecca for Russians

Dagestan may become tourist mecca for Russians

Dagestan will actively develop tourism infrastructure in order to attract tourists from all over Russia to the region, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said today at the Caucasian Investment Exhibition