Vladimir Jabbarov

Azerbaijan's BRICS membership bid may be considered in October

Azerbaijan's BRICS membership bid may be considered in October

Azerbaijan's official application to join BRICS can be considered at the association's summit to be held in Kazan in October 2024, first deputy chairman of the international affairs committee of the Federation Council Vladimir Jabbarov …

 What U.S. exit from INF Treaty means?

What U.S. exit from INF Treaty means?

Russian President Vladimir Putin has discussed the United States’ plans to quit the Intermediate Nuclear Force Treaty with permanent members of Russia’s Security Council, presidential spokesman Dmitry …

U.S. allows itself "chemical" sanctions against Russia

U.S. allows itself "chemical" sanctions against Russia

The State Department informed the Congress that Moscow was not in compliance with the chemical and biological weapons warfare elimination act, so consultations with Congress are underway on potential new sanctions against …

Trump: my meeting with Putin was very constructive

Trump: my meeting with Putin was very constructive

US President Donald Trump said in the interview with Fox News that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin had "a very long meeting, and it was a good meeting."  According to Trump, Putin …

Anti-Russian language law comes into effect in Latvia

Anti-Russian language law comes into effect in Latvia

Latvian President Raimonds Vejonis has promulgated the bill that would ban use of Russian as the language of instruction also at private universities in Latvia, according to the announcement published in the official newspaper …

Will Putin and Trump meet in Vienna?

Will Putin and Trump meet in Vienna?

Russian President Vladimir Putin and US leader Donald Trump discussed during their latest telephone conversation that Vienna could be one of the cities to host their bilateral meeting, Russian Presidential …

Russia imposes counter-sanctions regime

Russia imposes counter-sanctions regime

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the law on countermeasures against unfriendly actions of the United States and other foreign countries. The document was posted on the official Internet portal of legal information. …

Russia to develop partnership with East

Russia to develop partnership with East

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said at the XVII World Congress of Russian Press today that Russia will keep developing partnerships with countries of the East. He noted that the sanctions encouraged Russia to activate cooperation with Asian states, for example, signing the free trade agreement with Vietnam. 40 other countries are negotiating similar deals, he said. Medvedev added that fixing the partnership between the Eurasian Union and the Asia-Pacific Region was an exceptionally important course.