Equipment and spare parts to go to Russia through Iran, UAE, Qatar

Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza

Sea and road cargo deliveries to Russia are launched from Iran, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar by the Delovye Linii group of companies.

The operator has developed its own routes and new logistics schemes in order to deliver various goods to Russia from abroad.

The service will be available to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Deliveries will be carried out by sea, as well as by road. There is a demand for deliveries of electronics and equipment, spare parts, clothing, building materials from the Middle East to Russia.

The fastest delivery on the new route will take about a week: by sea from Iran (Bender Abbas) to Astrakhan. For about two weeks, cargo will be transported from Iran by road - from Tehran to Makhachkala. It is also planned to deliver goods by sea from the Emirates to Novorossiysk in two weeks. The company also promises deliveries from Qatar.

In 2022, the operator began to carry out regular container transportation from Türkiye, air deliveries from China and other Asian countries.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza