Russia to double minimum wage

Maria Novoselova/"Vestnik Kavkaza"

In the Russian Federation, the process of indexing of the minimum wage continues. This is an important step to ensure decent working conditions for millions of workers across the country. According to the President, by 2030 it is planned to almost double the minimum wage, to 35 thousand rubles.

"We will definitely continue to index the minimum wage, which has already been significantly increased with the assistance of trade unions. By 2030, the minimum wage should almost double to 35 thousand rubles",

Vladimir Putin said.

What are the reasons for indexing the minimum wage?
It should be noted that indexation of the minimum wage is necessary in order to preserve the purchasing power of workers in conditions of inflation and provide them with a decent standard of living. Increasing the minimum wage helps reduce social inequality, improve the well-being of the population and stimulate economic growth.

Indexation of the minimum wage is beneficial both to the workers themselves and to the country's economy as a whole, as it helps to increase consumer demand and stimulate economic growth.

At the same time, the Russian leader emphasized that despite the fact that this work was difficult and capital-intensive, it was necessary.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova/"Vestnik Kavkaza"