Alexander Kalyagin: Rasim Ojagov and Rustam Ibragimbekov are great classic directors

Alexander Kalyagin: Rasim Ojagov and Rustam Ibragimbekov are great classic directors

The famous Soviet Russian actor and director, founder and artistic director of the Et Cetera Theater Alexander Kalyagin told the correspondent of Vestnik Kavkaza about his attitude to Baku.

"I love Baku. I believe this is my hometown," he said in the first place.

Alexander Kalyagin emphasized that it was due to the fact that he starred in Baku in such films as "Interrogation", "Before the Closed Doors", "Park" and "Other Life" by great classic Azerbaijani directors Rasim Ojagov and Rustam Ibragimbekov.

"I love Baku, I love Azerbaijanis and their country, I love this country. Azerbaijan is a juicy, tasty country," the famous actor and director stressed.

Alexander Kalyagin added that he was in Baku last in the mid-2010s and would like to visit it again.
