'Azerbaijani Room' opened at FAO Headquarters in Rome

'Azerbaijani Room' opened at FAO Headquarters in Rome

Opening of the 'Azerbaijani Room' took place at the Headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome yesterday.

The opening ceremony was attended by Vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Goodwill Ambassador of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Leyla Aliyeva.

FAO Deputy Director General Laurent Thomas welcomed the Vice-president of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva, they exchanged views on a number of issues.

At the meeting, cooperation of Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the IDEA Public Association with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations was highly appreciated. The sides had discussions concerning further extension of contacts.

The FAO Deputy Director General was informed that within the joint project realized by IDEA, the FAO and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan there have been laid out orchards in 11 regions of the country for needy families.

Then, opening of the 'Azerbaijani Room' took place.

Vice-president of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva and the Deputy Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Laurent Thomas cut the tape symbolizing opening of the Room.

Laurent Thomas, having noted that in this remarkable room which is the joint project of FAO and Azerbaijan, there are all conditions for activity of the organization, said that the staff of the Organization will be able to use all modern opportunities here. "In the room, along with the most advanced processing equipment, there are objects reflecting the ancient culture of Azerbaijan. In this sense, the walls of the room, reminding fire flames, represent the Land of Fire," AzerTAc cited Thomas as saying. He also noted design of the room in style of buta patterns.

The Deputy Director General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization stressed that the 'Azerbaijani Room' answers the highest security measures applied to UN buildings. On behalf of the FAO Director General, he expressed gratitude to the Government of Azerbaijan for this useful contribution to implementation by the organization of effective activities for achievement of its important goals.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Leyla Aliyeva expressed gratitude for the created opportunity, saying: "I believe that this opening represents the beginning of a new stage of our relations with FAO. Existence of a part of Azerbaijan in the FAO Headquarters, reflection of the Azerbaijani culture and national spirit, will, undoubtedly, inspire the people to visit our beautiful country, to know our hospitable people closer. Sure, this office will bring many positive changes. Thank you very much."

It was reported that the 'Azerbaijani Room' was founded in Rome with financial support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. The FAO Headquarters includes rooms of various countries. Azerbaijan, for the first time among the CIS countries, has its room here. The Azerbaijani national ornaments, musical instruments, carpets have been used in design of the room. Such projects are important from the point of view of promotion of Azerbaijan’s ancient history, its rich cultural heritage.

Azerbaijan is the member of FAO since 1995. The design-coordination office of FAO functions in in the country since 2007. In Azerbaijan, there is also the first coordination and partner office of the Organization.

Leyla Aliyeva has been awarded the title of Goodwill Ambassador by FAO for activity in humanitarian and ecological spheres. The goal of FAO is solution of such tasks as fight against hunger in the world, ensuring food security, increase in efficiency of agriculture, forest and fish farms, creation of healthy food systems. Activity of the Vice-president of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva makes certain contribution to achievement of these goals.