Russia fully discharges its commitments under New START Treaty in 2018

Russia fully discharges its commitments under New START Treaty in 2018

Russia fully discharged its commitments in 2018 under the Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (the new START Treaty), First Deputy Head of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operational Department Lieutenant-General Viktor Poznikhir said at a session of the International Affairs Committee in the upper house of Russia’s parliament.

The general also said that Russia’s latest Avangard hypersonic missile system falls under the provisions of the the new START Treaty.

"The Avangard missile system with the boost glide vehicle is due to enter service and assume combat duty by the end of the year. Considering that the Avangard system is equipped with an intercontinental ballistic missile, it will be subject to all the procedures stipulated by the treaty on strategic offensive arms," TASS cited Poznikhir as saying.