Iran open to uranium exchange based on Turkey, Brazil deal

Iran believes that a deal on uranium exchange reached with Turkey and
Brazil should be the basis of fuel exchange, Foreign Minister
Manushehr Mottaki said. He also said he believes that that the
exchange process can continue if the USA, France and Russia form new
proposals, Iran News reports.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov proposed during his visit to
Israel on June 29 a meeting between experts from the USA, Russia, the
IAEA and Iran on the issue of nuclear fuel supply for an Iranian
research reactor.

The heads of the Iranian, Turkish and Brazilian foreign ministries
signed a 10 point declaration in Tehran on May 17th. According to the
document, Iran agreed to send approximately 1200 kg of low-enriched
uranium for nuclear fuel for the research reactor.

Concerning the nuclear power plant in Bushehr, Mottaki noted that
Russia must launch the facility and Moscow has no problems with this
