Victory achieved through unity
International forum dedicated to victory in the Great Patriotic War will be held in Bryansk on April 25
International forum dedicated to victory in the Great Patriotic War will be held in Bryansk on April 25
There's no catastrophe more heinous than the death of children, and what happened in Kemerovo on Sunday cannot be translated into words, while the nationwide tragedy made people think about the mistakes of modern life …
Azerbaijani artists of 1960-1980's at the State Tretyakov Gallery
Today Mahar Vaziev officially took up his new post as the ballet director at the Bolshoi Theatre. He replaced Sergei Filin, whose contract ended yesterday. "Sergei Filin will remain at the …
The Russian ballet director at Italy's La Scala, Makhar Vaziev, appointed as the ballet director in the Bolshoi Theatre. "People who know the theater, who know about ballet, know this name well," the …