Andrey Petrov on Vesti.FM: the 80th anniversary of WWII start was turned into a holiday of the West collaboration against Russia

Andrey Petrov on Vesti.FM: the 80th anniversary of WWII start was turned into a holiday of the West collaboration against Russia

Events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, like many others in Europe, were turned into a demonstration of cooperation against Russia, the analyst of Vestnik Kavkaza,  Andrey Petrov said in the National Question program on Vesti FM, noting that Poland and Bulgaria especially distinguished in their dislike towards Russia.

Andrey Petrov recalled that Russia was not invited to the main events in Poland, where WWII began. The decision was explained by the fact that Soviet Moscow is considered by Warsaw as not Berlin’s enemy, but its twin. “It is characteristic that Germany received an invitation. Poland, not embarrassed, motivated it by modern rather than historical conditions: Germany and Poland are members of the EU and NATO, and Russia is not. By the way, the heads of the former Soviet republics -Ukraine and Georgia - as well as the Baltic countries, arrived in Poland,” he said.

"President Andrzej Duda in his speech intensely drew parallels between Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, the Nazis and the Communists, called the liberation of Poland in 1945 a hostage-taking and concluded that WWII ended for Warsaw only in 1989 when the first non-communist government was formed. He mentioned six million Poles killed by the Nazis halfway through, but he spoke in detail about the ‘victims of Soviet captivity’, calling it the "hecatomb of the best sons of the Polish people," the analyst drew attention.

The expert noted that everyone has long been accustomed to the Polish trend for Russophobia - a number of Polish political scientists admit that writing against Russia is more convenient and more profitable than giving objective assessments - but Bulgaria unexpectedly echoed Poland. “I recall that for three and a half years - until September 1944 - Bulgaria collaborated with the Nazis. Sofia chose not to recall this on September 1 but urged not to consider the Soviet Union as the liberator of Eastern Europe from the Nazi occupation. Moreover, the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry said that in September 1944, the country suffered from a coup due to the fault of the USSR, "Andrey Petrov emphasized.

"The German media supported the order for revenge, for example, Die Welt arranged a recount of the results of the legendary battle near Prokhorovka, saying that then Germans won - not Hitler, not the Nazis, not the aggressors, but just Germans - with a crushing score: only five tanks were lost and 235 tanks of the Red Army were destroyed, " the analyst said.

Summing up the event, the expert pointed out that Europe decided to completely rewrite history for itself and Americans. "This is such a general trend that those who do not have direct support still feel like doing anything they want. The latest example is Croatia. Beloved by everyone President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic said that ”the Croatian people made the biggest contribution to the anti-fascist struggle in Europe” if you count as a percentage of the population. But Croatia was the most persistent satellite of the Third Reich - the last Croatian military units surrendered to the winners only on May 11. But Zagreb, like many other allies and accomplices of the Nazis, prefer not to mention this today,” Andrey Petrov concluded.

