Iran and Russia to cooperate in student satellite launch

Iran and Russia to cooperate in student satellite launch

Head of Ian Space Organization has said Iran and Russia will cooperate in launching university student-developed satellites, Mehr reports.

Mohsen Bahrami is visiting Russia in response to a visit by Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin earlier in February to continue talks between Iran’s Space Organization and Federal Space Agency of Russia, Roscosmos.

Mr. Bahrami’s visit by an invitation of the head of Federal Space Agency Igor Komarov seeks to participate in the first round of bilateral space talks held in the Roscosmos, with Iran’s embassy envoy also attending. Both sides emphasized upon developing strategic relations. The meeting reached an agreement to cooperate in the following items: improving software and hardware of Mahdasht Satellite Receiving Station, Alborz Space Center; procurement of full system of sensing satellite to meet the needs for technology development including satellite, control and receiving pictures; student satellite launch; and developments in aeronativation.

Both sides also agreed to hold expert-level sessions to secure continued nature of cooperation, with both deputies with a mission to plan for regular sessions.
