agriculture in Russia

Türkiye hopes to resume grain deal

Türkiye hopes to resume grain deal

Erdoğan said that the grain deal should be resumed, but in a new format that would involve supplying grain not to the West but to countries in need, including African ones.

Russia increases production of black caviar

Russia increases production of black caviar

Russia began producing more black caviar in Russia. Over the past year, 25 tons of the delicacy were produced in the Astrakhan region. State support contributes to production growth.

Egg prices rise slows down in Russia

Egg prices rise slows down in Russia

The price of chicken eggs in Russia continues to rise in January. At the same time, the rate of price growth decreased. Today, on average, a dozen eggs cost almost 134 rubles.

Russia bans export of durum wheat

Russia bans export of durum wheat

The Russian government is introducing a temporary ban on the export of durum wheat, the government’s press service reported. "An order on this has been signed. The decision is aimed at ensuring food security and …

Turkey negotiating revival of grain deal

Turkey negotiating revival of grain deal

Turkey is currently in talks with UN and Western officials to revive the Black Sea grain initiative in its previous format, a diplomat in Turkey said. …

Russia bans rice exports until year-end

Russia bans rice exports until year-end

The Russian government said on Saturday that it had imposed a ban on the export of rice and rice groats until December 31, 2023, in order to maintain stability in the domestic market. "The government has imposed a …

Grain deal extended

Grain deal extended

The parties to the grain deal managed to agree on its extension, the Turkish president said. Erdoğan thanked the UN, the efforts of which helped to reach an agreement. …