
Tajik population reaches 10 mln people

Tajik population reaches 10 mln people

The population of Tajikistan has increased to 10 million people, the Tajik state news agency Khovar informs. The 10 millionth inhabitant of the country is a boy born on July 23 in Dushanbe. The Ministry of Health of Tajikistan …

Armenia is among countries with rapidly aging population

Armenia is among countries with rapidly aging population

Armenia is among the countries with rapidly aging population, coordinator of demographic programs at UN Population Fund Armenia (UNPFA) Anna Hovhannisyan told a press conference. She said according to the UN scale, if a …

Demographic crisis hits Balkans

Demographic crisis hits Balkans

No country in the Balkans has been spared from a dangerous combination of migration and population ageing

Migration out of Armenia spikes

Migration out of Armenia spikes

A struggling economy and defeat in last year’s war appear to be driving large numbers of Armenians to leave the country.

Population of Uzbekistan exceeds 35 million

Population of Uzbekistan exceeds 35 million

Permanent population of Uzbekistan has grown almost for 140,000 people, according to the State Statistics Committee. The permanent population reached 35,000,082 people as of September 7. They include 17,570,041 males and …

Pets replacing children in Japan

Pets replacing children in Japan

As Japan's population crisis continues to worsen, more households are opting for dogs, cats and even exotic pets. Loneliness and boredom during the coronavirus pandemic have helped fuel the trend, Deutsche Welle writes. The coronavirus pandemic has worsened Japan's already worrying population decline

Armenia's population shrinks

Armenia's population shrinks

The population of Armenia decreased by 3,800 people over the year. The relevant statistics are provided by the National Statistical Committee of Armenia. The urban population of the country as of January 1, 2021, amounted to 1,895.6 …

China's fight with women deficit

China's fight with women deficit

More boys than girls are being born in China and more single males in their prime marriageable age are resigned to a celibate life after failing in the intense hunt for a bride. Some statisticians are referring to the imbalance as a “women deficit” in the world’s most populous nation, Asia Times writes. China’s dearth of baby girls has been somewhat concealed by the overall demographic picture of steep declines in newborns over the decades. But preliminary data from the country’s ongoing population census have again thrown the stark gender imbalance – in almost all age brackets from toddlers to people in their optimal childbearing age – into sharper relief

Covid baby boom turns to bust in China

Covid baby boom turns to bust in China

New births slipped 15% across China in 2020 despite stay-at-home lockdowns and state media baby-making cheerleading, Asia Times writes. During China’s de facto nationwide lockdown in early 2020, when Beijing issued a sweeping shelter-in-place edict to stop the spread of Covid-19 from Wuhan, state media Xinhua entertained the thought that a “Covid lockdown baby boom” could be one upside. The new coronavirus forced the Chinese population, including couples in their prime ages, indoors, it noted

Azerbaijan's population increased by 56 thousand people

Azerbaijan's population increased by 56 thousand people

The population of Azerbaijan increased by 56,292 people or 0.6% and amounted to 10,123,400 people as of December 1, 2020. The urban population made up 52.8 percent and the rural population - 47.2%. Of the total population, 49.9% are …

Revolution was of no help: Armenia still losing population

Revolution was of no help: Armenia still losing population

Armenia's National Statistical Committee said that as of October 1, 2019, the republic's population declined by 11,700 people, compared to the same period in 2018, and by 22,100 people, compared to the same period in …

Four key risks to Russian Economy revealed

Four key risks to Russian Economy revealed

Moody's Investors Service has released a comprehensive report on the Russian economy, analyzing its capabilities and key risks in the medium term. The Agency's analysts estimate the share of the public sector in the Russian …

Armenian population continues to decline

Armenian population continues to decline

Armenia’s resident population declined by 7,600 people to 2, 965,100  people as of January 1, 2019 as opposed to January 1, 2018, according to the latest numbers, released by the Armenian National Statistical Committee (NSC). …