sanctions against Georgia

Georgia's ruling party not afraid of U.S. sanctions

Georgia's ruling party not afraid of U.S. sanctions

The Mayor of Tbilisi and Secretary General of the Georgian Dream party Kakha Kaladze highlighted the ruling party’s “commitment to the interests of the country” following the U.S. decision to impose visa restrictions on …

US introduces visa restrictions against Georgian citizens

US introduces visa restrictions against Georgian citizens

Washington is banning the entry of several dozen Georgian citizens into the United States. The restrictions are related to the law on foreign agents adopted by the Georgian government. The State Department said this is the first batch of restrictions.

U.S. once again warns Georgia of sanctions

U.S. once again warns Georgia of sanctions

The U.S. Department of State spokesperson Matthew Miller said Washington had not yet announced individual sanctions against the Georgian government following adoption of the …

Georgian Dream responds to U.S. sanctions against Tbilisi

Georgian Dream responds to U.S. sanctions against Tbilisi

Head of the ruling Georgian Dream party Mamuka Mdinaradze said Georgia “independence” was “not for sale for any visa”, after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced visa restrictions for “those …

U.S. to respond to Georgia's foreign agents law - Blinken

U.S. to respond to Georgia's foreign agents law - Blinken

The United States will "take action" against the foreign agents bill adopted last week by the Georgian parliament, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned. Testifying before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the …

President urges to check sanctioned judges in Georgia

President urges to check sanctioned judges in Georgia

Judges sanctioned by the US should be checked in Georgia, the President believes. According to her, restrictions can have a bad impact on the country's reputation and the process of obtainig the status of an EU candidate.