New utility tariffs in Stavropol region take effect on July 1

New utility tariffs in Stavropol region take effect on July 1

© Photo: Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza

From July 1, utility tariffs will increase in the Stavropol region by almost 10%. Heating and gas will rise in price the most; inflation has affected indexation.

In July, residents of the Stavropol Territory will pay more for utility services, which is unlikely to please them, Deputy Chairman of the Regional Tariff Commission of the Stavropol Territory Sergey Gubsky said.

"The increase in tarrifs for water supply, sewerage, waste management and gas supply may be higher or lower than established limits. However, the total payment for the entire range of services provided should not exceed the established index of 9.7%,”

- Sergey Gubsky said.

Thus, electricity for residents of cities and villages will rise in price by 50 kopecks and amount to 6.22 rubles per 1 kW/h. Households with electric stove will pay less: 4.35 rubles per 1 kW/h. But gas price will increase by 10.5%, to 7.94 rubles per cubic meter.

