Yerevan HPP-1 out of order till August

Yerevan HPP-1 out of order till August

© Photo: Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza

The Yerevan hydroelectric power station-1 in the Hrazdan Gorge is out of order due to a fire. The damage is such that it will only be possible to repair the station within a month. Residents of Yerevan were urged to prepare for permanent power outages.

According to Electric Networks of Armenia, a severe fire that occurred a week ago at Yerevan Hydroelectric Power Station-1 in the Hrazdan Gorge severely damaged the station. The restoration will take 4 weeks, thus, during this time the station will not supply Yerevan. It is planned to put the hydroelectric power station into operation no earlier than on August 10.

Due to the failure of the hydroelectric power station in the Hrazdan Gorge, the capital districts of Kentron and Arabkir are not receiving enough electricity: the energy needs of the former were met by Yerevan Hydroelectric Power Station-1 by 30%, of the latter by 20%.
