Budget alternatives to Türkiye

Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza

An average tourist is unlikely to be able to afford a vacation in Türkiye this summer.  The UAE, Thailand, and the Maldives may become a more affordable alternative.

According to one of the tour operators, the UAE, Thailand, and the Maldives can replace Türkiye in the upcoming summer season.

This year, the cost of summer vacation in Türkiye have substantially increased in price for Russians. Director general of the Russian Express Taras Kobishchanov named other foreign destinations that may be of interest to an average tourist from Russia.

"The Maldives in winter and summer is a completely different story. Wealthier tourists travel in season, and budget travelers fly in summer. This applies to both the Emirates and Thailand,"

- he shared.

Also, an alternative to Türkiye may become vacation in Cyprus. Tourists can get to the island through the UAE and Türkiye, the expert added.

In addition, tourists may be interested in Venezuela. This year, for the first time, tour operators offer summer packages to the Caribbean Sea.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza