Astana hosting Days of Azerbaijani Culture

Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza

The capital of Kazakhstan is hosting the Days of Azerbaijani Culture on September 23-26.

The event will feature presentation of the book "Fuzuli-530"and an ethno-jazz concert, scheduled to take place in Astana on September 24.

The ceremony of signing the Memorandum on cooperation between the national libraries of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, the presentation of Elmira Akhundova's book, as well as the opening of the exhibition "Pearls of Azerbaijani culture" and a concert of the dance ensemble will be organized on September 25.

A lecture on modern Azerbaijani art will be heard on September 26, followed by the main event of Azerbaijan Culture Days to be held at the Kalibek Kuanyshbayev State Academic Kazakh Musical Drama Theater.

The Days of Kazakhstan Culture were held in Baku in December 2023.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza