Ankara, Baku ready to supply Hungary with gas
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced the readiness of Azerbaijan and Türkiye to supply gas to Hungary through the TANAP pipeline. He noted that Ankara and Baku are moving towards this goal. Turkish leader …
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced the readiness of Azerbaijan and Türkiye to supply gas to Hungary through the TANAP pipeline. He noted that Ankara and Baku are moving towards this goal. Turkish leader …
Türkiye, together with Azerbaijan, created TANAP, and we continue our work, Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said. "The capacity of TANAP will be doubled," Kalin said. He recalled that Ankara …
Together with Azerbaijan, work has begun to increase the throughput capacity of TANAP to 32 billion cubic meters, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in his statement after the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. "Together …
Last winter, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu spoke about Ankara's interest in transporting gas from Turkmenistan through Azerbaijan to Turkey and further to Europe
Recent developments in Russia-Ukraine relations have again raised concerns over European energy security
Azerbaijan’s role as an energy producing and exporting country has long been associated with hydrocarbons. Since 1994 and the signing of the “Contract of Century,” the country has embarked with its international partners on …
Following the liberation of Azerbaijan’s occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region, Baku is now looking to ensure the uninterrupted supply of natural gas to Nakhchivan with a project to be carried out in cooperation with Turkey that foresees the pipeline being laid this year
Iran has entered a gas swap agreement with Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan on Sunday on the sidelines of the 15th meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organization
Over the past 30 years Caspian nations such as Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan have built thriving economies on oil and gas wealth led by global energy companies and a handful of megaprojects. As times change, that model may need to be reassessed. …
The purpose of the Blue Homeland strategy is that Turkey should dominate the Mediterranean and reclaim the mercantile and maritime power, Antonia Colibasanu, Geopolitical Futures’ Chief Operating Officer
The Caspian Sea is one of the world’s largest and oldest oil and gas producing regions
Black Sea gas will strengthen Turkey’s hand in gas contract negotiations
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, crude oil and natural gas have been playing a key role in the geopolitics of the Caspian region. Hydrocarbon revenues became an important source of economic growth for the Caspian Basin countries such …
BOTAS and the Consortium of Azerbaijani Shah Deniz gas condensate field are negotiating a new contract for the supply of gas within the first stage of the field development. According to the head of the public relations department of BP-Azerbaijan, Tamam Bayatli, due to the completion of the contract concluded in 2001, which provided for the transportation of gas in the amount of 6.6 billion cubic meters annually, supplies to Turkey within the framework of Shah Deniz-1 were terminated on April 16
In Moscow last week, President Vladimir Putin hosted the prime minister of Armenia and the president of Azerbaijan. It was the first meeting of the three leaders since the end of the six-week-long war over the Nagorno-Karabakh region last …
Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan signed a Memorandum of Understanding Thursday on joint exploration and development of hydrocarbon resources of the Dostlug (Friendship) field in the Caspian Sea
The confluence of many factors changed the hitherto prevailing balance of power and produced a victory for Azerbaijan, overturning the 26-year old status-quo in the region. Over the years, Azerbaijan has invested in the armed forces massively. In the meantime, both Azerbaijan and Turkey have cultivated closer ties with Russia. The color revolution, which swept pro-European Union Nikol Pashinyan into power as prime minister in Armenia in 2018 helped distance Moscow from Yerevan. Unlike in the past, the United States was disengaged from the region, mainly because of its partial withdrawal from the international stage
The Shah Deniz consortium today announced commencement of commercial gas deliveries to Europe from the Shah Deniz gas field in the Caspian Sea offshore Azerbaijan via the newly-completed Southern GasCorridor (SGC) pipeline system, accord to the …
The construction of the TAP pipeline could set an example of what a project developer’s role should be – to build a commercial infrastructure project while mitigating any potential environmental and social challenges, writes …
Turkey may be indirect target of Azeri-Armenian clashes